Saturday, October 14, 2006
Note to self: Buy spiderman sunglasses. Throw away all feminine glasses and get unisex glasses for the girls.
Ok Dad, let's go. Don't worry, these shoes will work fine as I put a used diaper in the toes to make them fit better.
Think positive. He is learning about cooking ingredients. Think positive. But he did it last week too. Think positive. We will look back on this in fond memory. Think positive.
Maya's First Day of Pre-School: Maya, why do I get the feeling I will be visiting your principal a lot?
Brenna's First Day"Dad, I am going to my first day of Kindergarten today and plan on being an highly paid doctor which will allow you to retire at 40yrs old!". Well, I guess I instilled that one pretty good :-)
Dad! Did you know you can transfuse our blood to the potatoe family! I am learning so much by being at the hospital.
Nothing like being "cool at all times". now I will just have to find a way to replace those with some spiderman ones or something.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
A moment after this shot was taken Maya wasn't smiling because she had pea-rock in her face. [see left side of picture]
Hmmm... Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, yesterday when he did the same thing with a bowl of popcorn. We had to make popcorn twice that night.
Been riding for days. Haven't had a diaper change in 36 hours. Used the last wipe to clean the the front fender.
Dad is it alright if I get your vintage Philmore shirt dirty? Dad? Well, I'm sure he wont mind, I will just go ahead and use it.
I just dont have the heart to tell him that Apple doesn't have a phone in their iPods. Surprising how long a "phone conversation" can last on an iPod when you are 1 yr old.
I will not cave in and tell Dad about the candy bar I hid from Maya. I won't. I won't. I will just continue to stand here and smile like this until he goes back to programming.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
MOM! The rat likes me! Mom can we get a rat? "Aaron, did you tell them that puppy was a rat?" "No, I said it MIGHT be part of the rat family, but I didn't say for sure that it was."
When do you think I got up here mom. When you went into the bathroom I quick opened it and crawled up.